Dr Unben Pillay (MBBCH - WITS)
Dr Unben Pillay, qualified as a medical doctor (MBBCh) from the University of the Witwatersrand in 1995. He has been practicing as a General Practitioner in private family practice for over 24 years, and has a special interest in Chronic Disease Management, Digital Healthcare solutions and Outcomes Based Healthcare.
Current positions:
Co Chairperson: Africa Telehealth Collaboration (ATC – 2021)
CEO: Independent Practitioners Association Foundation (IPAF – 2020)
Vice Chairperson: United Forum of Family Practitioners (UFFP – 2019)
CEO: Alliance of South African Independent Practitioners Associations (ASAIPA – 2018)
Advisory Boards:
WONCA eHealth (2021)
Access health Africa (2021)
BrandMed Advisory Board (2020)
Discovery Health Family Practitioner Advisory Board (FPAB – 2017)
Founding member of:
Vaccines for Healthcare workers (V4HCW -2021)
Relief for Healthcare workers (R4HCW – 2021)
Digital Healthcare Association of South Africa (DHCA – 2018)